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Hi, Iโ€™mย Samuel Cochrane ๐Ÿ‘‹ย , I'd describe myself as an intelligence developer. Sometimes that means transforming and extracting raw data to make it useable for business intelligence. Sometimes that means working directly with people to understand their problems and come up with practical solutions as a Sales Engineer. It often means staring out of a window with my head in the clouds. Right now, Iโ€™m working on: * Practical uses for GPT and Stable Diffusion. * Learning D&D. ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ * My current
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How I designed my 2022 new-years resolution

How I designed my 2022 new-years resolution How I designed my new-years resolution using structure goal design and motivational science. In this article, I'd like to detail how I designed my personal goals to set myself up for success, using what I've learned about Goal Design from my experience working in business intelligence. It was helpful for me, and hopefully it'll be helpful for you too. Resolutions Vs Themes I probably don't have to convince you that new years resolutions have issue
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Zettelkasten A form of "Hypertextual note taking", where Atomic Notes representing small ideas (memes) become highly interrelated through ample references, links, and embeds. Modeled after the human brain, (or rather, a model of the human brain), in which densely interconnected neurons become more than the sum of their parts. Core Idea * Human friendly * connects nodes together the way our brain connects ideas together. * Ideas are not a singular monolithic entity, they're a series of i
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Digital Garden

Digital Garden A digital garden represents a publicly accessible journal, usually a Zettelkasten, where posts represent more of an "ongoing idea" than a finished & published "dead idea". A note in a digital garden could be updated over the course of years, each time having new ideas added to further flesh it out. Art is never finished, merely abandoned. Digital gardening represents a mentality of building with the garage door up. Let people see what you're up to, poke their heads in, and rea
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How should one operate knowing they're being monitored at all times

How should one operate knowing they're being monitored at all times * We live in The Age Of Mechanized Reproduction, in which the cost of replicating any template is marginal. * Means of surveilance can be replicated infinitely for marginal cost. * Laws and police are just a series of instructions, so are easy to replicate. * * The question isn't too dissimilar to "how do I stage a prison revolt?" * The first question - do I need to do anything? Methods for creating Anonymity * Scrambli
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I built a pikachu classifier because there's way too many of them

I built a pikachu classifier because there's way too many of them Open In Colab Creating over a thousand distinct creatures is pretty hard, right? I've always said that. At some point, it's pretty understandable that GameFreak would have some repeated archetypes over 20yrs. And for some reason, Electric Rodent is #1. Depending on who you ask, there are upwards of a dozen entirely separate 'mons that fit into the Pikachu Family, a fan term for the litany of all-too-similar-looking mice, rat
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