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Why Executives Are Rude On Sales Calls

Why Executives Are Rude On Sales Calls I currently (2023) work as a Sales Engineer. The job regularly involves talking with department heads and VPs in charge of selecting new software. Near the end of evaluations, it isn't uncommon to have to present to their Executives as well - one final demo to the CFO, COO, CTO, sometimes even the CEO. Everything has already been evaluated at this point: we've confirmed the technical features needed, gotten sign-off from the department heads, and gotten
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1000 True Fans

1000 True Fans Most people don't care at all, they just do what everyone else is doing. All that is needed to shift culture is a highly directed and motivated small group to push back, and everyone else will Go With The Flow. What True Fans Do For You True fans provide Leverage. In Graph Theory, a few super-connectors have an outsized connection to the populace at large. That's why Your Friends Have More Friends Than You. What You Do For True Fans You have Accountability to your true fans.
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The Difference Between Chefs and Cooks

The Difference Between Chefs and Cooks Both are Professionals that create a tangible output every day. They both require a Meez that allows for consistent daily work. The difference is that Cooks follow a recipe. Cooks are industrialists that know that Every task is a compiler. They take inputs and turn them into outputs. They do this consistently. People depend on that consistency. Sometimes, most times actually, you just need a loaf of bread. It's not a problem if it was made the same wa
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How Seth Goden Writes a Book

How Seth Goden Writes a Book Seth Goden's book The Practice follows a simple structure: Each section has a sequential number, and lasts about a page. Pasted image 20230502174006.png Looking at these sections we notice something: He's consistent. * \#7 - 14 sentences, 150 words * \#8 - 14 sentences, 203 words * \#9 - 15 sentences, 200 words + a quoted paragraph * \#10 - 12 sentences, 172 words True to form, Seth practices what he preaches. His blog is one idea, written every day. It's The P
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Intro to APIs and how to use them

Intro to APIs and how to use them CHECK ALL PZs This article will give you a working understanding of APIs and what they do. By the end, you'll be able to talk about them like you know what you're doing. In a Sentence API stands for Application Programming Interface. It's a way to interact with the software without using the UI. It's often used by developers to automate actions between tools. Example: PZ 1. What are APIs? 1. Creating a request 1. Understanding the response 1. Automatical
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Ulysses Pact

Ulysses Pact No Going Back; pain is linked both to failure and inaction. The only path is forward. ^definition Burn The Ships: To cut oneself off from all chance of retreat; to stake everything on success. Cortez, when he arrived in South America, burnt all the ships so there was no way back for the men. He made fear their friend. If you embrace the fact that it's more terrifying to fail than it is to succeed, you will achieve some insane things. -- Mark Adams, The Cult of Productivity Inst
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