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Obsidian Formatting

Obsidian Formatting Obsidian is a Markdown-based note-taking and knowledge base app. We currently support the formats below: Internal linking Link to a page: [[Internal link]]. Link to a page: Internal link. Embeds Embed another file (read more about Embed files). Here's an embedded section: ![[Obsidian#What is Obsidian]] First Header test Second Header second test Image: ^hqh9or Headers This is a heading 1 This is a heading 2 This is a heading 3 This is a heading 4 This is a h
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My Titled Note

Test content 1 :) Test content 2 :) ^sbqlbs * Take Title of file and add it to title yaml * add yamltitle file to creationdate+title with spaces replaced with dashes, 2022-12-04-My-Titled-Note First Header test Second Header second test Image: ^hqh9or \[!Note\] Hey! body text * Take Title of file and add it to title yaml * add yamltitle file to creationdate+title with spaces replaced with dashes, 2022-12-04-My-Titled-Note Let's talk about Test Note 2 and specifically Test Note 2 > F
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My Titled Second Note

Test content 2 :) ^sbqlbs * Take Title of file and add it to title yaml * add yamltitle file to creationdate+title with spaces replaced with dashes, 2022-12-04-My-Titled-Note First Header test Second Header second test Image: ^hqh9or
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Yearly Theme

Yearly Theme popularized by CGP Grey * Your Theme - YouTube Instead of setting a highly granular goal like "run one mile every day", you set a much larger theme like order, adventure, or branching out. This theme gives you enough room to find your own goals, interests, and solutions within it. It allows for your focus to change when you learn what's important and workable, while still making sure you have some domain to focus in. Themes allow for choice. ^definition My Yearly Themes * 2020
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Accepted Metadata for Markdown Files

Here are all the metadata fields accepted by the linked-blog-starter-md template. All fields are optional. title: "Title of Note" excerpt: "Excerpt shown in note preview + SEO" date: "2021-11-11" author: name: "Matthew Wong" url: "URL to a pic for the author" ogImage: url: "URL to an image to set the og Image for SEO"
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How to connect Obsidian Vault with Github

1. Clone the repository or "Download As Zip" clone-or-download-github.png 1. Unzip the downloaded folder, then open the folder as a vault in Obsidian 1. Install the Obsidian Git community plugin 1. To publish your notes run the command "Obsidian Git: Create backup" by opening the command palette (CMD/Ctrl + P)
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