
🗓 · 📝

Hi, I’m Samuel Cochrane 👋 ,

I'd describe myself as an intelligence developer. Sometimes that means transforming and extracting raw data to make it useable for business intelligence. Sometimes that means working directly with people to understand their problems and come up with practical solutions as a Sales Engineer. It often means staring out of a window with my head in the clouds.

Right now, I’m working on:

  • Practical uses for GPT and Stable Diffusion.
  • Learning D&D. 🧙‍♂️
  • My current Yearly ThemeYearly ThemeYearly Theme popularized by CGP Grey * Your Theme - YouTube Instead of setting a highly granular goal like "run one mile every day", you set a much larger theme like order, adventure, or branching out. This theme gives you enough room to find your own goals, interests, and solutions within it. It allows for your focus to change when you learn what's important and workable, while still making sure you have some domain to focus in. Themes allow for choice. ^definition My Yearly Themes * 2020.

Always seeking an opportunity to make things better.

Let’s Connect
