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Shibboleth And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; Then said they unto him, Say now *Shibboleth*: and he said *Sibboleth*: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan — Judges 12:5–6 A Shibboleth acts as a shared, community-wide password tha
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Scale-free Network

Scale-free Network A Network in which most hubs have few connections and some have many. Asymmetrical. img|300 In a Scale-free Network, some nodes, called hubs or Superconnectors have most of the links, usually following an 80-20 Rule. * In human networks, these are usually the sociable people who are good at Networking. * In internet maps (treating links as connections), these are sites with Domain Authority that are often linked to by others. * In conversations, these are the themes that
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Using ControlNet to Create Battle Maps

Using ControlNet to Create Battle Maps Image Generative AI is great for creating art, but will struggle with something like a battle map that needs consistent room sizes, doors, etc that conform to a rigid grid. Using ControlNet, we can try to constrain the output of Stable Diffusion to the specific geometry of a battle map. Stable Diffusion models trained on the 'look/feel' of battle maps * models * D&D battlemaps - 1024 v1.0 | Stable Diffusion Checkpoint | Civitai * \[!\] 2.1 model,
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You Need 4 Hours to Paint

You Need 4 Hours to Paint Creative output requires long periods of Deep Work in a state of uninterrupted focus. Just to build the initial model of what you're doing it takes25 To Start. From there, you need long uninterrupted periods of time to take a Random Walk Through A Graph, bouncing between things until a creative idea emerges. A few things can help support this process: An artists studio or other space where the Meez has all the tools & materials you need to work. Removal of interru
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Pages and Notes Structure

Pages and Notes Structure A model for how to structure a Zettelkasten. * Note = content. Long descriptive title that explains its core idea, short in length (a few paragraphs), covering one core idea. * Page = Skeleton. Links to content, but no content itself. Just a scaffold to plug things into. Think: the table of contents. A page is the skill-tree. Notes are the skills. Pages and Notes Structure 2023-05-02 19.43.06.excalidraw.png %%πŸ–‹ Edit in Excalidraw, and the dark exported image%% P
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There Is No Recipe For New Things

There Is No Recipe For New Things Recipes are required for industrialization, for repeating processes in a stable and consistent way. Something done for the first time doesn't have a recipe. Recipes can only be built looking backwards. Naval Ravikant would call these new recipe-less activities "Specific Knowledge". Specific knowledge is knowledge that you cannot be trained for. If society can train you, it can train someone else, and replace you. Creating new recipes is expensive, but usin
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