Digital Garden
Digital GardenDigital GardenDigital Garden A digital garden represents a publicly accessible journal, usually a Zettelkasten, where posts represent more of an "ongoing idea" than a finished & published "dead idea". A note in a digital garden could be updated over the course of years, each time having new ideas added to further flesh it out. Art is never finished, merely abandoned. Digital gardening represents a mentality of building with the garage door up. Let people see what you're up to, poke their heads in, and rea
A digital garden represents a publicly accessible journal, usually a ZettelkastenZettelkastenZettelkasten A form of "Hypertextual note taking", where Atomic Notes representing small ideas (memes) become highly interrelated through ample references, links, and embeds. Modeled after the human brain, (or rather, a model of the human brain), in which densely interconnected neurons become more than the sum of their parts. Core Idea * Human friendly * connects nodes together the way our brain connects ideas together. * Ideas are not a singular monolithic entity, they're a series of i, where posts represent more of an "ongoing idea" than a finished & published "dead idea".
A note in a digital garden could be updated over the course of years, each time having new ideas added to further flesh it out. Art is never finished, merely abandoned.
Digital gardening represents a mentality of building with the garage door up. Let people see what you're up to, poke their heads in, and reach out with ideas. This has some benefits for networking.
- It's easy, simple, and automatic - just keep taking the notes you're already taking
- If you're building it, probably no one else has done this specific thing before. So there's a good chance you'll be one of the only quality search results when the next person comes along.
Example Digital Gardens
- GitHub - tanepiper/obsidian-garden: An vault with best practices/examples
- About This Website ·
- The revision history is kept in git; individual page sources can be read by appending to their URL
- is implemented as a static website compiled via Hakyll from Pandoc Markdown and hosted on a dedicated server (due to expensive cloud bandwidth).
- It stands out from your standard Markdown static website by aiming at good typography, fast performance, and advanced hypertext browsing features (at the cost of great implementation complexity); the 4 design principles are: aesthetically-pleasing minimalism, accessibility/progressive-enhancement, speed, and a ‘structural reading’ approach to hypertext use.
- Unusual features include the monochrome esthetics, ‘sidenotes’ instead of footnotes, efficient dropcaps/smallcaps, collapsible sections, automatic inflation-adjusted currency, Wikipedia-style link icons & infoboxes, custom syntax highlighting, extensive local archives to fight linkrot, and an ecosystem of “popup”/“popin” annotations & previews of links for frictionless browsing—the net effect of hierarchical structures with collapsing and instant popup access to excerpts enables iceberg-like pages where most information is hidden but the reader can easily drill down as deep as they wish.
- Also discussed are the many failed experiments & design changes made along the way.
- Notes | Chase McCoy
- Richard Ng | Digital Garden
- "The Andy System" About these notes
- Andy built his own website code to make a public facing web interface for this. I'm crushing on him super hard.
- or he could have basically just used GitHub - mathieudutour/gatsby-digital-garden: 🌷 🌻 🌺 Create a digital garden with Gatsby 🙄
- Maggie Appleton's Digital Garden ^yhg5y0
- GitHub - flowershow/flowershow: Publish your digital garden, docs or any markdown based site easily, quickly and elegantly
- GitHub - maximevaillancourt/digital-garden-jekyll-template: Start your own digital garden using this Jekyll template 🌱
- ⭐use Roam Research as a backend, GitHub - DoomHammer/roam-to-git at roam-to-gardenAutomatic RoamResearch backup to a digital garden (queries the API every 4hrs and pushes changes to md repo)
- GitHub - MatthieuBizien/roam-to-git: Automatic RoamResearch backup to Git
- assuming I can get this working for RemNote , seems like a nice way to automatically publish and keep everything in one place (just tag articles with [publish] or [redbrookpublish] and they're added to the respective site)
- ⭐use Roam Research as a backend, GitHub - DoomHammer/roam-to-git at roam-to-gardenAutomatic RoamResearch backup to a digital garden (queries the API every 4hrs and pushes changes to md repo)
- GitHub - mathieudutour/gatsby-digital-garden: 🌷 🌻 🌺 Create a digital garden with Gatsby
- fetch-roamresearch: Export and download a Roam Research database
- gatsby-source-roamresearch: Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from Roam Research.
- gatsby-remark-double-brackets-link: Transform
into a proper link. - gatsby-remark-double-parenthesis-link: Transform ((page)) into a proper link.
- react-stacked-pages-hook: Manage a stack of pages in Gatsby.
- gatsby-transformer-markdown-references: Extract references between markdown nodes.
- gatsby-theme-garden: A Gatsby theme bundling all of the above packages.
- GitHub - ppeetteerrs/obsidian-zola: A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site. A free (but better?) alternative to Obsidian > Obsidian Publish.