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Reinventing the Wheel

In programming, the phrase "reinventing the wheel" refers to the act of writing code to implement a function or feature that already exists in a library or framework. For example, if a programmer writes a function to sort a list of numbers when there is already a sorting function available in the standard library, they would be said to be "reinventing the wheel."
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With Static Generation, tools like Next.js try to render that page mostly like it would in the browser but at compile time. This gives us the ability to serve the entire content on first load. The scripts still hydrate the page during this process, but ideally with fewer changes or no changes at all. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/static-site-generation-with-nextjs/#:~:text=With%20Static%20Generation%2C%20tools%20like,or%20no%20changes%20at%20all.
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Update the Publish Settings

There are two things you can modify in the workflow. The publish directory and the blog repository. * BLOG_REPO: Next.JS app repository template that is used to publish your markdown notes. This is useful when you create your own custom linked blog * PUBLISH_DIR: The folder that is published to the linked blog. All files and attachments in this folder will be published on the web Go into .github/workflows/publish.yml in your forked repository forked from linked-blog-starter-md and update the
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