Scale-free Network

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Scale-free NetworkScale-free NetworkScale-free Network A Network in which most hubs have few connections and some have many. Asymmetrical. img|300 In a Scale-free Network, some nodes, called hubs or Superconnectors have most of the links, usually following an 80-20 Rule. * In human networks, these are usually the sociable people who are good at Networking. * In internet maps (treating links as connections), these are sites with Domain Authority that are often linked to by others. * In conversations, these are the themes that

A Network in which most hubs have few connections and some have many. Asymmetrical.


In a Scale-free NetworkScale-free NetworkScale-free Network A Network in which most hubs have few connections and some have many. Asymmetrical. img|300 In a Scale-free Network, some nodes, called hubs or Superconnectors have most of the links, usually following an 80-20 Rule. * In human networks, these are usually the sociable people who are good at Networking. * In internet maps (treating links as connections), these are sites with Domain Authority that are often linked to by others. * In conversations, these are the themes that, some nodes, called hubs or Superconnectors have most of the links, usually following an 80-20 Rule.

  • In human networks, these are usually the sociable people who are good at Networking.
  • In internet maps (treating links as connections), these are sites with Domain Authority that are often linked to by others.
  • In conversations, these are the themes that keep popping up. Highly interlinked ideas naturally get repeated more often.

See Also