Publish your Obsidian Notes with linked-blog-starter

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a github repository that will automatically publish notes to your custom website everytime you upload new notes to the publish folder.

Step-by-step instructions to setup your blog

  1. Fork the repository linked-blog-starter-md repository. This repository is where the publishing occurs fork-linked-blog-starter-md.png
  2. Create a Vercel account then go to your dashboard then (Add New... > Project)
  3. Import the repository you just forked
  4. In the "Configure Project" settings (before you deploy), set the "Framework Preset" to Next.JS . Then click the "Deploy" button. configure-project-vercel.png
  5. After clicking the Deploy button, you'll see that the deploy failed. That's as expected.
  6. OPTIONAL: Go to your dashboard, then click on the project you created and disconnect the git repository (Settings > Git > Disconnect) disconnect-repo-vercel.png
  7. Then, get the account id, project id and token from vercelHow to get Project/Account ID and Token from Vercel1. Go to your Project settings, you'll want to copy the project id (Project Settings > General > Project Id). Save this for later. vercel-project-id.png 1. Then go your account id (Personal Account Settings > General > Your ID). Save this for later as well. vercel-account-id.png 1. Finally, generate a token under (Personal Account Settings > Tokens > Create). Finally save the value of the token for the next step. vercel-create-token.png
  8. Now with the account id, project id, and token, go back to your forked repository and update Github secrets (Settings > Secrets > Actions). Add the following secrets: VERCEL_ORG_ID, VERCEL_PROJECT_ID, VERCEL_TOKEN github-secrets-vercel.png
  9. Finally, click "Actions", and enable the workflow enable-actions-github.png
  10. Now whenever any notes are uploaded to the publish directory of the repository, they are automatically published online! You can find the domain in Vercel under Projects.

Note: Make sure you don't delete the /publish/ file as that is your "landing page"

Optionally, you can:

  • Publish Notes within your Obsidian VaultHow to connect Obsidian Vault with Github1. Clone the repository or "Download As Zip" clone-or-download-github.png 1. Unzip the downloaded folder, then open the folder as a vault in Obsidian 1. Install the Obsidian Git community plugin 1. To publish your notes run the command "Obsidian Git: Create backup" by opening the command palette (CMD/Ctrl + P) by installing the Obsidian Git plugin
  • Update the publish settingsUpdate the Publish SettingsThere are two things you can modify in the workflow. The publish directory and the blog repository. * BLOG_REPO: Next.JS app repository template that is used to publish your markdown notes. This is useful when you create your own custom linked blog * PUBLISH_DIR: The folder that is published to the linked blog. All files and attachments in this folder will be published on the web Go into .github/workflows/publish.yml in your forked repository forked from linked-blog-starter-md and update the to publish your notes to a custom versionDeploy a custom version of the linked-blog-starterBy the end of this tutorial, you will have a custom version of the linked-blog-starter that deploys to Vercel Fork the repository and get it to run locally First, we want to fork the linked-blog-starter repo, then install and run it locally. Note: Update with your own repository link 1. Clone this repo by runningĀ git clone 1. cd linked-blog-starter 1. npm install 1. npm run dev 1. Go of the linked-blog-starter