Consistent Problems vs Good Problems

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Consistent Problems vs Good ProblemsConsistent Problems vs Good ProblemsConsistent Problems vs Good Problems Humans like solving problems, it feels good. We like feeling useful to others, and we like feeling like we're making progress towards making the world a better place. However, You'll Always Have The Same Number Of Problems. So, it's important to make sure you're North Star-ing and making sure that the problems you're working so hard to solve are really Something Worth Dying For. Without a heuristic to sort problems by, you'll probably just fall into work

Humans like solving problems, it feels good. We like feeling useful to others, and we like feeling like we're making progress towards making the world a better place.

However, You'll Always Have The Same Number Of Problems.

So, it's important to make sure you're North Star-ing and making sure that the problems you're working so hard to solve are really Something Worth Dying For.

Without a heuristic to sort problems by, you'll probably just fall into working on whatever problems are presented to you as the most immediate and obvious. If you don't pick your goals, society will pick them for you.

Consistent Problems

Emotional Distress Problems -> People with White Knight Syndrome, who consider themselves caretakers of the weak, are perfect targets for Energy Vampires that generate constant drama and distress.

Complex Problems -> Mystery Box Bullshit that, by virtue of being a complex, can always feel like progress is being made towards untangling the knot and solving things once and for all.

Impossible Problems -> Gravity Problems that simply can't be solved.

Good Problems

Good problems are Endwork that changes the status quo once solved. They provide Leverage, things are significantly changed via their resolution.

Which is Which

To determine the kind of problem you're facing, Begin With The End In Mind.

  • What would solving it actually get you?
  • Is this something that can actually be solved?

For everything that doesn't make the cut, cultivate ambivalence. Sometimes it's just Not My Problem.

Not Caring Is A Superpower that leaves you energy to focus on what actually matters.