linked-blog-starter does not reinvent the wheel

I'm not a fan of reinventing the wheelReinventing the WheelIn programming, the phrase "reinventing the wheel" refers to the act of writing code to implement a function or feature that already exists in a library or framework. For example, if a programmer writes a function to sort a list of numbers when there is already a sorting function available in the standard library, they would be said to be "reinventing the wheel.", thus, I've searched for the best libraries out there to help me make this website. Here are a few external libraries I used:

Converting MD to HTML


  • Obsidian Git to help with publishing notes from within the Obsidian VaultHow to connect Obsidian Vault with Github1. Clone the repository or "Download As Zip" clone-or-download-github.png 1. Unzip the downloaded folder, then open the folder as a vault in Obsidian 1. Install the Obsidian Git community plugin 1. To publish your notes run the command "Obsidian Git: Create backup" by opening the command palette (CMD/Ctrl + P)