It's helpful to be able to link to things

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It's helpful to be able to link to thingsIt's helpful to be able to link to thingsIt's helpful to be able to link to things When you have a question, it's very helpful to be able to google it. Google became a billion dollar company by making it easy to search and access links to other people's content. Billions of dollars, and they don't even make their own content. Making links to other content accessible is that valuable. Humans are built on links. * A language is just a large collection of words which act as short references to a more complex concepts. * A meme is the

When you have a question, it's very helpful to be able to google it. Google became a billion dollar company by making it easy to search and access links to other people's content. Billions of dollars, and they don't even make their own content. Making links to other content accessible is that valuable.

Humans are built on links.

  • A language is just a large collection of words which act as short references to a more complex concepts.
  • A meme is the atomic unit of culture that makes up each concept.

Nothing Ever Happens Once, and it's far more efficient to point to what's already been built than it is to try and answer each question from scratch all the time. Original thought is slow and expensive, and you should avoid it whenever possible.

But links only work when the thing already exists for you to link to.

For anything you can't find an existing link to, I suggest you make it yourself and share it with the world. Trust me, Publishing Pays Off.

  1. It makes your life easier to be able to simply link to existing work whenever you get a repeated question (which you will). Explain it once, write it down, then link someone to the existing documentation next time.
  2. You Are A Collage. The limits of your language, of the concepts you can name and point to, determines the limits of your thinking. Individuation requires creating memes you can't find anywhere else.
  3. Everybody is constantly looking for useful things to link to. By creating content that doesn't have a good existing source, you can quickly garner Domain Authority.