How should one operate knowing they're being monitored at all times

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How should one operate knowing they're being monitored at all timesHow should one operate knowing they're being monitored at all timesHow should one operate knowing they're being monitored at all times * We live in The Age Of Mechanized Reproduction, in which the cost of replicating any template is marginal. * Means of surveilance can be replicated infinitely for marginal cost. * Laws and police are just a series of instructions, so are easy to replicate. * * The question isn't too dissimilar to "how do I stage a prison revolt?" * The first question - do I need to do anything? Methods for creating Anonymity * Scrambli

  • We live in The Age Of Mechanized Reproduction, in which the cost of replicating any template is marginal.

  • Means of surveilance can be replicated infinitely for marginal cost.

    • Laws and police are just a series of instructions, so are easy to replicate.
  • The question isn't too dissimilar to "how do I stage a prison revolt?"

  • The first question - do I need to do anything?

Methods for creating Anonymity

  • Scrambling
    • People have created anti-face-detection masks to avoid facial recognition cameras, and inserts to change your gait for pose-fingerprinting software.
  • Tricky part: absence is data
    • If you leave your house in a mask, you leave a metadata trail that you were missing during that time.
    • You never see Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room.

A Mastery of Ambiguous Communication

  • If all communication will be recorded, it's can and will be used to inform actions to counter your goals if they do not align with those of the ones in power.
  • Therefore, ALL actions should contain plausible deniability.
    • Note that this not some cops & mafioso-style "we know it was him we just can't nail em" scenario. A society of control has no issues condemning you algorithmically.
    • Rather, one should act in a way that their hands are always clean. Things just naturally seem to work out this way, and it didn't seem like they did anything particular to make it happen one way or the other.
  • Techniques for Ambiguous Communication exist, such as Powertalk, Dogwhistles, and the various levels of Irony (but especially the higher levels such as Meta-Irony).
  • Kayfabe can also considered a form of Ambiguous Communication, due to it's ability to blur the lines of reality. When clear jokes & absurd situations are treated as 100% real, you blur the lines of true-opinions and kayfabe-opinions, true-actions and kayfabe-actions. Am I running for mayor because I want to be mayor, or because my character does?

See Also

  • The Dark Forest & the concept of Wallfacers.
    • Knowing that aliens will arrive in 400 years to take over earth, humanity must develop a plan to counter them. However, the aliens already have advanced technology on earth that can monitor all actions & communication. Any plan earth develops would be reported back, and the aliens could develop a plan to counter it. Therefore, the wallfacers are created - humans given vast resources and told to do something, and to not tell anyone what their plan is. The wallfacers must take irrelevant and counterproductive actions in order to obfuscate their true goals.
  • The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress & their guerilla cell-network
    • Set on a Lunar prison colony, an insurgent network needs to figure out how to overthrow the foreign earth government to establish independence. One of the tactics used is the creation of a cell network for robust guerilla warfare.
  • Foundation series and the concept of Psychohistory (how do people behave differently when they know they're being observed)
  • Double Speak